How Colleges/Universities Pay for CourseKata

How Colleges/Universities Pay for CourseKata

Option 1: Students Purchasing Directly

Higher ed students typically purchase materials directly from CourseKata from within their campus learning management system. Students are charged $32 for one year of access, and can pay by credit card from within their course shell. Students will have two weeks of free access, plus two weeks after payment to request a no-questions-asked refund.

Option 2: Including CourseKata in Equitable Access

CourseKata does not currently sell materials to individual students through campus bookstores or through the VitalSource or RedShelf platforms. CourseKata does, however, provide a way to include its materials in Equitable Access programs managed by VitalSource/Akademos and RedShelf/Follett.

If you are interested in including CourseKata in your bookstore’s equitable access program, please contact Karen Givvin (karen@coursekata.org) at least one month prior to the start of your course to make arrangements.

Students who opt-out of equitable access can still purchase the materials directly from CourseKata from within their course shell.