LAST UPDATED August 16, 2023
Below is a copy of the student agreement that appears in CourseKata textbooks. If you wish to change your preferences regarding how your de-identified data is shared with researchers, please change your option on that page of your textbook. If this does not work for you, please contact us at
About CourseKata and Your Data
CourseKata Statistics is part of the Better Book Project, a project of the Teaching and Learning Lab at the UCLA Department of Psychology. The goal of the project is not only to create high quality online interactive textbooks, but also to use student-generated data as a means of continuously improving the effectiveness of the textbook. As you work through the book, you will answer a number of questions and complete many R coding exercises. You might also use a Jupyter coding environment and submit notebooks. Your responses are saved in a database and used for improvement.
During the Course
During the course, your data are available only to you and your instructor. When you come back to a page that you have completed, you can see how you answered the questions previously because we save your responses. You can see your progress on the My Progress page (inside the My CourseKata folder at the top of the course). Your instructor can see your progress as well and can look at your responses as you work through the book.
After You Complete the Course
After you complete the course, all student-generated data is de-identified and made available to researchers (including third-party researchers who are not directly affiliated with CourseKata) who are working to improve the quality of the book or who are undertaking other educational or scholarly initiatives. What this means is that the data are stripped of information that could be used to identify you, such as your name or email address. This de-identified data is used to improve the course and improve our theories of learning.
Other than the use outlined above, we will never share your data with anyone, and will always protect the confidentiality of your data. If you have any questions about your data and how it is used, feel free to contact us at
If You Wish to Opt Out
We are grateful for your willingness to share your de-identified data with researchers working to improve this course.